

Guy “Dr. Disrespect” Beahm, one of the most notable names in gaming, has signed a multi-year deal to remain with Twitch. This move follows the streaming platform’s recent signing of Imane “Pokimane” Anys, as well as other popular personalities like DrLupo, TimTheTatman, and Lirik in late 2019.

Who is Dr. Disrespect?

Beahm, known for edgy humor and a stylized persona based off of campy movie antagonists, has attracted legions of fans. Currently, his stream boasts 4 million followers, 5.99 million hours watched, and an impressive 24K average concurrent viewers. With Tyler “Ninja” Blevins leaving for Mixer last year, Twitch definitely prioritized keeping these numbers by signing him.

In an interview with The Verge, Beahm vaguely addressed the Twitch deal: “Let’s just say, when I first started streaming, was something like this fathomable? If it was, you’re dreaming really, really big. To me, it’s pretty shocking, and it’s very obviously life-changing, rewarding.” While no hard figures are available, it’s clear that whatever Twitch is paying him, it’s worth staying for.

The future of the character

The Dr. Disrespect character has been in development for years, and shows no signs of staying strictly confined to a Twitch channel. In a feature on the recent deal, the Hollywood Reporter revealed that Dr. Disrespect may very well be hitting the big screen someday. “Hollywood would be something really cool to be a part of, doing high-production stuff and really hitting the tone of what the character can truly be,” Beahm said to the Reporter.

This shouldn’t come as a surprise to followers. Beahm announced his signing with Twitch in a professional commercial video shot back in January. When asked about the over-the-top sequence, Beahm commented: “All of the previous announcements [have been] very straightforward, and I wanted mine to be super over-the-top action-packed.” Nothing makes a statement quite like wire stunts and costumes reminiscent of 1980s action films.

With Dr. Disrespect’s contract now set in stone, you can expect plenty of off-the-wall Twitch content for the foreseeable future.

Theresa Gaffney

Theresa is a seasoned esports professional with nearly ten years under her belt developing content and running esports teams and leagues. She is currently the head coach for Messiah College's esports program and a freelance industry consultant.

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