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Perfect World, a popular online games developer, has released an innovative battle pass exclusively to Chinese Dota players. The battle pass extends from Dota into real life, offering players opportunities to earn points on social media and rewarding them with physical prizes. After last week’s unionization of professional Chinese Dota and the addition of Perfect World’s exclusive battle pass, the continued support of China’s Dota scene has created a foundation for other regions to build on.

Victory in the Battle Pass

Perfect World’s exclusive battle pass offers Chinese Dota players fresh adaptations to the treasures, challenges and games that characterized successful battle passes in the past. The Dota dream world contained in the battle pass has continued the tradition of offering players missions they can complete to earn points and unlock treasures, but the beauty of the battle pass is not restricted to in-game content.

Perfect World is rewarding players for their efforts in-game and in the real world with digital and physical treasures. In addition to in-game challenges, points are awarded to players who interact with Perfect World’s products and follow their social media accounts. The highest-scoring players will be showered with in-game rewards and will be sent real-world prizes.

Some of the physical prizes have been available through past Dota events, such as the blind box plushies, but the top-scoring players will receive exclusive rewards fit for a king of defending ancients. A soft neck pillow with a Slark design, a Lina figurine and a miniature radiance will be award to players near the top of the scoreboard, with the grand champion earning a TI9 (The International 2019) themed mahjong set and a plush donkey courier in addition to all other physical rewards.

How China’s Support Has Set an Example for a Perfect World

Valve has fostered friendly competition by allowing the creation and implementation of battle passes into Dota from outside organizations. Although this battle pass is exclusive to Chinese players and the revenue is claimed by Perfect World, the information gained from this battle pass will benefit organizations worldwide.

Future battle passes can act on the successes and failures of Perfect World’s battle pass to tailor a product that appeals to a larger or different audience. Perfect World’s innovative inclusion of the real world into their battle pass is the first instance of real-world interaction on this scale and its success or failure will influence battle passes to come.

In-game or in real life, China’s continued support of their Dota scene is admirable and prompts other regions to follow. During our worldwide epidemic, other region’s silence and lack of action may begin to appear unsupportive, especially following the multiple steps China has taken to promote a healthy scene.

It is likely that the official battle pass will incorporate the most popular characteristics of Perfect World’s battle pass and improve on them with Valve’s personal flair. As always, Valve’s newest battle pass is expected to be released during the months leading up to The International 2020. However, details remain scarce due to travel bans and quarantine caused by COVID-19. As many players remain quarantined inside their homes, the demand for the official battle pass will grow and put pressure on Valve to release it to fans around the world.

Keep track of how the Dota scene develops by following SlashShout on Twitter. We will keep you up to date with information on the coming battle pass, news on the uncertain future of video gaming’s largest tournament, The International 2020, and everything else Esports.

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